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Frequently asked questions Click a question to expand the answer
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Frequently asked questions

Prospective Tenants

What type of accommodation is available?

The Society's priority is to house older people and most of the accommodation is one- bedroom flats. These are let to single people over 60 years of age and couples where one is over 60 and the other is over 55. There are very few two-bedroom flats and these are generally reserved for couples who request them but may in certain circumstances be offered to individuals at the Society's discretion.

I am younger than 60?

If you are approaching 60 we may still be able to help so please contact the Society's office staff.

I own my own house and/or have savings - will I still be able to apply?

Owner occupiers and those with savings can apply but are subject to our criteria and application process.

How long is your waiting list?

There is not a definitive answer to this as flats are not allocated on a first come, first served basis.  All applications are prioritised by need.       

I don’t live in Norwich – can I still apply?

Yes you can apply, your application will be subject to our application process and prioritised for your needs. In addition you will be asked to attend an assessment in Norwich and, of course, you must be able to attend viewings.

Will I have to sign a tenancy agreement? 

You will be offered and required to sign a Starter Tenancy which will be reviewed after twelve months. An Assured Periodic Weekly Tenancy will be offered thereafter where applicable.

You need to give four weeks' notice to terminate your tenancy. Those on a monthly tenancy are required to give one months' notice.

What is included in the tenancy? 

The Society's properties are let unfurnished.

Are there any additional charges?

In addition to rent the Society charges a service charge to cover the cost of certain services such as Scheme Managers, lighting and cleaning of common areas and gardening. These are all eligible for Housing Benefit but occasionally a charge will be made which is not eligible for Housing Benefit. An example would be payment for heating individual flats.

How easy would it be for me to move on? 

The Society's aim is to allocate its accommodation to create long term sustainable tenancies. However, circumstances can change and you may need to move. The Society will assist whenever possible. Moves within the Society are prioritised on health grounds. 

Can I make any alterations? 

You will be responsible for the internal decoration of your accommodation. Certain alterations are permitted but you will need written permission from the Society's office.

Can I buy my property? 

There is no right for tenants to buy their properties.

Can I bring my pet? 

The Society operates a No Pet Policy.

What about car parking?

Space for parking cars is limited at each Scheme. Where there is a space parking is on a first come first served basis with no allocated spaces. Where applicable resident and visitor parking permits can be purchased from Norwich City Council.

Existing Tenants

I am considering having a mobility scooter, where could I keep it?

The majority of our schemes have scooter stores, however please call the Office to confirm availability. 

I cannot get out to do my shopping, can I get some help with this?

This is not something our staff would do on a regular ongoing basis.  In addition the Society does not offer personal care. However, Scheme Managers would assist tenants to arrange care packages via social services or private agencies.

What can I do as my neighbour is making a lot of noise?

In the first instance you should try to resolve these issues directly with your neighbour.  If this is either not possible or has proved unsuccessful please speak to your Scheme Manager or the Office.

Is smoking allowed in the Society’s premises?

It is prohibited by law to smoke within any of the internal common areas including entrance halls, landings and corridors.  In the gardens it is preferred for tenants and their visitors not to smoke but it is not prohibited.  Smoking is allowed in your own accommodation.

I should like to buy a car, where can I park it?

Space for parking cars is limited at each scheme.  Where there is space, parking is on a first come first served basis with no allocated space. Where applicable resident and visitor parking permits can be purchased from Norwich City Council.

How can I find out about any Social events that are held for residents?

These vary from scheme to scheme and from time to time. The best thing is to ask your Scheme Manager

I am thinking of buying a computer. Is access to Broadband available?

No communal broadband is available at any of the Society’s schemes. However, tenants can make their own individual arrangements.

I am having difficulty paying the rent, what can I do?

The best thing to do is to speak to the Society’s office staff as soon as possible

I should like to make a few changes to my flat. Is this possible?

Please refer to the Alterations Leaflet in your sign up pack.

If you don’t see your question listed please contact us